It's Midnight in Kenya

It's midnight in Kenya and I'm wide awake! I've had trouble sleeping these last few nights so I'm short on sleep, fatigued,  but somehow not tired. Perhaps the half cup of chai at the Men's bible study tonight was not such a great idea! But, I've only a few days left and chai is such a special part of this place. Perhaps their tea fetish is remnant of the British colonial days. The altitude here is above 6,000 feet and I typically sleep fitfully at higher elevations. My bed is exactly 6 feet long and I'm exactly 5 foot 10 inches so there's not room to spare before Im kicking the footboard. The mosquito net makes a cozy little nest but sometimes I wake up with it on my face or tangled in the blankets. Ok, so I'm rambling... but it's midnight and I'd rather not think about the fact that I'm loosing way too many battles over here. But, that's a post for another day. Time to pray, think of my wife and girls, pray again, read, and perhaps dream. God Bless, everyone! Goodnight!