Ear Tube Overview
- Severe acute otitis media
- Poor response to antibiotic for otitis media
- Recurrent episodes of acute otitis media (more than 3 episodes in 6 months or more than 4 episodes in 12 months)
- Otitis media with effusion > 3 months
- Hearing loss > 30 dB in patient with otitis media with effusion
- Craniofacial anomalies that predispose to middle ear dysfunction (e.g., cleft palate).
- Impending mastoiditis or intra-cranial complication due to otitis media
- Chronic retraction of tympanic membrane or pars flaccida
- Barotitis media control
- Autophony due to patulous eustachian tube.
- Middle ear dysfunction due to head and neck radiation and skull base surgery.
Physical Examination
Description of tympanic membrane.
Description of middle ear space.
Audiometry (within 3 months of surgery) -pure tones and/or Speech Reception Thresholds.
Postoperative Observations requiring follow up
Persistent or profuse bleeding from ear
Outcome Review
First Month
- Infection--Has there been any discharge from the ear requiring treatment?
- Tube-- Check placement and patency of tube.
Beyond One Month
- Hearing--Is hearing improved? (Document with audiogram)
- Infection--Has there been a decrease in the number of ear infections?
- Tube--Is tympanostomy tube functioning?
- Continued follow-up every 3-6 months.