Post-Op Instructions for
Tympanoplasty (Eardrum Repair)
ear pain
1. Ear Pain:expect some mild ear pain after surgery. Use the prescribed pain medicine, which may be changed to Tylenol as pain subsides (usually 2-4 days).
2. Unsteadiness:expect some. This is transient and should resolve in a few days. If dizziness is severe you should contact the office.
head dressing
3. Swelling:expect some swelling of your eyelids on the operated side, if a head dressing has been applied. This is normal and will go away with removal of the dressing 1-2 days after surgery, by cutting across the bandage in front.
hard of hearing
4. Hearing:Do not expect to hear normally right away. Return of hearing may take up to 6 weeks.
cotton ball
5. Cotton Ball: remove it from the ear and replace as needed. This is to prevent soilage of clothing, furniture, etc.
6. Diet: Patients may resume a regular diet.
bath tub
7. Bath Water: should be kept out of the ears. Strict water precautions should be used for the first 3 weeks.
8. Fever:Call for fever in excess of 102 degrees that does not respond to Tylenol. The main reason for fever after surgery is failure to clear secretions from the lungs due to inactivity.
heavy lifting
9. Strenuous Activities: should be avoided for 2 days.
blowing the nose
10. Blowing the Nose: Do not blow the nose forcefully for 2 weeks. Don’t do anything to “pop” the ear as this may compromise the repair!
11. Sneeze: with the mouth open – never stifle a sneeze!
12. Do Not Smoke:or be exposed to second hand smoke for 2 weeks.
13. School:Children will typically miss 1-2 days of school.
medicine bottle
14. Nausea:nausea medication may be used 30-45 minutes prior to pain medicine to avoid the nausea side effect that some patients experience with narcotics.
15. Antibiotic: if one has been prescribed, take until completely gone. If a dose is missed, keep taking until the medicine is gone.
ear drops
16. Ear Drops:Begin using eardrops 2 weeks after surgery and continue twice daily use until follow up.
17. Don't Take: Aspirin, aspirin containing products, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, etc), naproxen (Alleve) or blood thinning medications for at least 2 weeks following surgery.